New York City wants Daniel Ohebshalom to get a taste of his own medicine.
The Department of Housing Preservation and Development last week filed a motion calling on the notorious landlord to either have his jail sentence extended or having him endure house arrest at one of his properties, Gothamist reported. Ohebshalom is in the midst of a 60-day stay at Rikers Island after failing to make repairs at a pair of apartment buildings in Washington Heights.
Ohebshalom and his associates started making fixes on his nine properties in the city, according to the filing, but hundreds of open violations remain, including 400 at 705-709 West 170th Street. The city said it fears the landlord could skip town without completing the work at the end of his sentence.
In the filing, authorities asked for Ohebahslom to serve house arrest at that property or another one for up to four months. The proposed arrangement is reminiscent of 1991’s “The Super,” when Joe Pesci’s character was forced to live in his own building until the landlord made necessary repairs.
Among the issues recorded at 705-709 West 170th are rat infestations, leaking walls and collapsed ceilings, one of which crumbled on to a child’s bed, a tenant said.
The judge will rule on the city’s motion next month. Ohebshalom’s attorneys declined to comment to the outlet.
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Ohebshalom has had a difficult few weeks. Last month, a warrant was issued for the Los Angeles-based landlord’s arrest by New York City’s Civil Court after he missed multiple deadlines and extensions provided by the city to fix nearly 700 violations, according to court records.
After turning himself in to the city sheriff last month, a detainee punched the landlord in the face while in a holding cell. Ohebshalom was treated for a broken eye socket before returning to Rikers; his lawyers have called for his release, citing dangerous conditions and violations of his constitutional rights.
Two years ago, Ohebshalom appeared on the Public Advocate’s Worst Landlords Watchlist for his management of 705 and 709 West 170th Street.