There goes the neighborhood (garden).
Two separate plans were filed for developments in the Upper East Side last week, according to the Patch. The two proposed developments would bring more than 200 apartment units to the neighborhood.
One proposed building is at the southwest corner of First Avenue and East 78th Street. California-based Carmel Partners is proposing a 24-story, 209-foot building where neighbors were campaigning for a community garden. According to the Patch, plans have already been filed to demolish buildings at 1487 First Avenue and 356 East 78th Street to make way for the proposed building.
The building will be designed by Hill West Architects to include 94 apartments, averaging 1,900 square feet. There will also be 7,100 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor and basement.
The San Francisco-based investment firm headed by Ron Zeff paid $73.5 million for the vacant site earlier in January. The firm has the ability to increase the size of a development by purchasing inclusionary housing certificates.
The Patch reported affordable housing does not appear to be part of Carmel’s plans.
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Another apartment development is set to hit the neighborhood, just a few blocks downtown from Carmel’s.
Isaac Ohebshalom of Gatsby Enterprises filed plans for a 21-story, 214-foot building at the corner of Second Avenue and East 71st Street, the Patch reported. The building would include 134 apartments averaging 834 square feet in size, as well as 7,500 square feet of retail space on the ground floor and cellar.
The developer previously filed to demolish 1343-1347 Second Avenue and 242 East 71st Street in 2020, but the buildings are still standing. The development plans came as a surprise to the owner of at least one tenant, Jean Claude II owner Kamel Moumeni.
“The landlord never said anything to us,” Moumeni told the Patch about the development plans. Ohebshalom acquired the four-building parcel in 2008 for $27.5 million.
[Patch] — Holden Walter-Warner