Certain areas of the state will once again shut down as clusters of Covid-19 cases grow in the city and beyond.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced today a three-step plan over the next two weeks to limit the spread of coronavirus. Limitations will vary depending on proximity to hotspots.
“There is no one that can say ‘I couldn’t see this happen,’” Cuomo said during the briefing, referring to his repeated warnings over the past six months.
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Nonessential businesses will be closed in outbreak areas, along with indoor and outdoor dining and schools. Places of worship will be limited to 25 percent capacity with a maximum of 10 people. Limitations will ease the farther from the hotspot an establishment is.
“It’s not about the nonessential businesses, it’s about the mass gatherings,” Cuomo said.

(Image via Governor Andrew Cuomo)
The laws will take effect tomorrow, but local governments have until Friday to begin enforcement. They will be reexamined and adjusted after 14 days.
Local governments will be provided with maps of clusters and will notify businesses.
Mayor Bill de Blasio had unveiled a similar plan yesterday for 20 ZIP codes. Cuomo’s narrows those areas based on the number of cases.