Gyms, malls and movie theaters across New York state will remain closed beyond phase four reopening.
The Cuomo administration made the announcement Tuesday night and is expected to lay out details today, Newsday reported.
“There are some things that don’t fit neatly into a phase that are going to require further study and we’re going through that right now,” a spokesperson for Gov. Andrew Cuomo told the paper. “We’re not going to be like other states that are inviting a second wave.”
The news will hit small retailers, big chains and consumers alike. New Yorkers have been longing to hit the gym since the coronavirus forced those closures, and some expected that fitness facilities may reopen this summer as part of phase four.
Businesses that will be included in planning for phase four includes venues designed for large groups and institutions such as colleges, public schools and museums.
Reopening in New York City began on June 8 and the city entered into phase two on Monday. [Newsday] — Erin Hudson
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