Kim Tasher’s SKF Development has landed yet another deal in the Bronx.
The firm has inked a 99-year ground lease at 1760 Boone Avenue in Claremont for a total value of $82 million,

Steven Westreich and Isaac Shrem
according to Westbridge Realty Group’s Steven Westreich, who brokered the deal with his colleague Isaac Shrem. Annual payments start off around $200,000 and rise up to $2 million a year, Westeich said.
SKF plans to build an eight-story 77-unit project on the site spanning 68,000 square feet. The development will also include 39 parking spaces and likely be split between 70 percent market rate units and 30 percent affordable units.
Tasher will lease the site from owner Patrick A. Connolly. Connolly could not be reached for comment.
This is the latest of several projects that SKF Development is planning to build in the Bronx. The firm filed plans earlier in December for a 92-unit residential building at 829 Tilden Street, and it is also planning a 101-unit building at 976 Woodycrest Avenue, an 88-unit building at 246 Echo Place and a 71-unit building at 2306 Webster Avenue.