Raucous blowouts on the rooftop of Ben Shaoul’s Bloom 62 in the East Village are apparently now a thing of the past. The developer is putting a stop to “excessive” partying that he claims has “destroyed” the building’s amenity space.
The building, at 62 Avenue B between East 4th and East 5th Streets, sent a memo Monday informing residents that its rooftop space is closed indefinitely as a result of “excessive parties.” The note claimed the most recent incident on the roof “left the amenity space looted,” and detailed littered beer bottles, graffiti, broken furniture and items thrown onto neighboring rooftops.
The memo also included photos from the rager, which it described as “incredibly telling and disheartening,” according to EV Grieve. The building also said it is not providing residents with a new opening date for the rooftop space, indicating that it is closed for the foreseeable future.

The rooftop at 62 Avenue B in the East Village
Shaoul’s Magnum Real Estate Group converted the former Cabrini Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation into a six-story, 81-unit rental building that opened in 2013. The building is currently on the market for $80 million. [EV Grieve] – Rey Mashayekhi