Apartment search company RentHop has released a new mobile app aimed at rental property managers. The app will allow property managers to broadcast their location in real-time and immediately schedule showings with renters on the prowl for apartments. The app also allows managers to update listings data on-the-fly, the company said.

Screenshots of the RentHop app
“One of the most frustrating parts of the apartment search is the endless email and phone tag renters suffer just to schedule an appointment,” said Lee Lin, CEO of RentHop. “The check-in feature is especially critical and enables managers to broadcast their location and availability.”
“The mobile app makes life a lot easier,” Jon Grayly, a rental agent at Citi Habitats, said in a statement. “It is much more convenient to update listings and stay in contact with clients.”
The app is free and is available for download at the Apple App Store as of today. An Android version of the app will be released later this year, according to the release. – Hiten Samtani