And the winner is…Lincoln Property Company.
The company emerged victorious in the bid to redevelop the former Lincoln Heights Jail at 421 N. Avenue 19, which abuts the Los Angeles River, Curbed reported.
City Council chose Lincoln and Fifteen Group for their jointly-proposed Lincoln Heights Makers District project, which will feature a collection of commercial and manufacturing spaces, a public market, creative office space, live-work housing, an amphitheater with green space, recreation areas and a communal rooftop deck.

Renderings of the winning proposal for the Lincoln Heights Jail redevelopment project (Credit: Rios Clementi Hale Studios)
The project, designed by Rios Clementi Hale Studios, calls for the adaptive reuse of the decrepit jail into an affordable housing component with commercial office space. The jail is already combined with another property across the street, already owned by Lincoln Property.
It is still unclear as to whether Lincoln Property would lease or buy the city-owned site.
The city first started soliciting proposals for the 230,000-square-foot site in 2016. LPC was competing against CIM Group, which proposed a mixed-use project offering residential units, office and retail space. WORKS, another finalist, wanted to remove the site altogether and build supportive housing in its place. [Curbed] – Natalie Hoberman