This data set tallies the most active architecture firms in New York City over a one year period ending mid-2024.
The raw data was pulled from The New York City Department of Buildings and cleaned and analyzed by The Real Deal. The 40,906 projects include permits for new buildings and alterations issued between 06/01/23 and 06/01/24 in all five boroughs. Only registered architects were considered.
Alteration permits are the latest issued with the permit type Alterations, Alterations with CO and ALT - CO - new building w/ existing elements only where the registered architect is listed as the applicant.
New building permits include the latest issued and renewal/re-issued permits with the permit type initial filings (I1s only) where the registered architect is listed as the applicant. Total building square footage is greater than 5,000 square feet.
All firms were contacted for the ranking. Not all participated.
This report includes:
DOB Job Number | Borough |
Job Project | Permit Issue Date |
House Number | TRD Job Type |
Street Name | Estimated Job Cost |
Borough/Block/Lot | Building Square Footage |
BIN Number | Architecture Firm |
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